
What you put in your body is a fundamental part of your Performance, Health, and Wellness. Whether you work with a Nutrition Coach or not, we are going to discuss nutrition and help you set realistic behavior based goals to help you feel and perform better as part of your training plan.

For those who seek additional guidance and are committed to changing their relationship with food, our Nutrition Coaches can help guide the way. Our approach is researched based and is about long term solutions that positively change your health first-and-foremost. Physical change is a benefit and will accompany changes. We have found that when people are feeling better and understand how to make changes that fit within their lifestyle, they are able to maintain results for the long term.


“This class was a HUGE game changer for me! And it is not about calorie restriction or eating terrible things like rice cakes all day. I have made a lot of simple, yet massively impactful changes because of the information in this class…changes that have made me feel better and get stronger. You also can’t beat the amazing, kind, knowledgeable Tasha! ”

— Ashley Proctor, Client

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